Giveaway в преддверии Нового Года для поднятия настроения)

GIDEON Grey Giveaway by Edesweiss Sculpt, on Flickr
The New Year is soon, so I want to make a Giveaway with one of my heads-Gideon in Grey skin!~~<3
there were only 3 heads in this wonderful colour, and one will be presented to a winner) rules.
For IG:
1. You need to follow me here @edelweisssculpt
2. Repost this post with hashtag #edelweissgiveaway and tag me @edelweisssculpt
3. Tag 3 your friends in comment of this photo

Have fun and try to win this head^_^ the announcement of winner will be at 31th of December)
Happy winter for everyone❤❄🎄

I will be glad to follow people who will play in Giveaway too)

If You have no IG, please just fave this photo here or write me on flickr mail^^
For flickr it works too)

Для обладателей инстаграма:
1. Подписка
2. Репост с отметками
3. Отметить 3 друзей

Ну а если инстаграма нет, то не беда.(У меня его не было вплоть до прошлого ноября) Просто фавнуть на фликре XD (Вроде репостов там не бывает)